
Weekly Quiz 18

Every day you can learn some English from my Instagram and at the end of the week there is a big quiz to recap things you have learnt!


Weekly Quiz 18

1 / 6

Which is the correct variant?

2 / 6

Which is the correct variant?

3 / 6

Which is the correct variant?

4 / 6

Which is another correct response to “thank you”?

5 / 6

Which is a more formal way to respond to “thank you”?

6 / 6

What is this?

Your score is

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About Me


For almost 20 years I have been helping adult learners speak English, which for most of them was not only a learning challenge, but also a path to discover their potential and to believe in their abilities. It has also been a 20 year long journey for me to discover myself and my place in this world, for which I am sincerely grateful to my dear students.Read more

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