
Friday “Money” Quiz!

Hi! The “money week”, which started with the video release on Tuesday and followed by the first money quiz on Wednesday, is coming to an end and from now on, a Friday will be a day to revise what we have learnt for a week (because, as I have already written before, a new video now comes out every week)

Here is the second quiz that will take you back to the money-related vocabulary


Did you get it all right! If not, check the words and phrases again in the video. Learning comes through practice and revision is part of it!

Anyway, I will be happy to receive some feedback from you. Did you like to learn this way: short portions of practice during the week, the video + quizzes in the blog? Do you have any other ideas how I can help you learn English better? Please, write it all in the comments!


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For almost 20 years I have been helping adult learners speak English, which for most of them was not only a learning challenge, but also a path to discover their potential and to believe in their abilities. It has also been a 20 year long journey for me to discover myself and my place in this world, for which I am sincerely grateful to my dear students.Read more

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