
Celebrities Quiz


Some famous people admit that they used to do things that are very difficult to associate with them now or still have certain unusual striking habits. Can you guess what they did in the past and no longer doing or what is still “a thing” for them? In this simple quiz just choose “used to” for things that are no longer happening or “be used to” for those habits that celebrities still indulge themselves in. If you need to refresh the knowledge of this grammar area, you might find it useful to watch my recent video on the topic before taking the quiz.

Created on By nmodel

“used to” or “be used to”

1 / 11

Zayan Malik ___ without a passport until he started to perform on X-Factor

2 / 11

Eminem ___ only completely dark rooms

3 / 11

Robert Downy Jr. ___ a drug addict

4 / 11

Nathan Sykes (from the band “The Wanted) ___ a rabbit called Pikachu as a pet

5 / 11

Catherine Zeta Jones ____ her teeth with strawberry paste

6 / 11

Elon Musk ___ 8 cans of diet coke every day

7 / 11

Bill Gates ___ philosophy books before going to bed

8 / 11

Cristiano Ronaldo ___ heart problems

9 / 11

Cameron Diaz ___ doors with her elbows for the fear of bacteria

10 / 11

Angelina Jolie ___ bugs as they are rich in protein

11 / 11

Tim Allen ___ a drug dealer

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For almost 20 years I have been helping adult learners speak English, which for most of them was not only a learning challenge, but also a path to discover their potential and to believe in their abilities. It has also been a 20 year long journey for me to discover myself and my place in this world, for which I am sincerely grateful to my dear students.Read more

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